
Glasgow Wedding Photographer’s Guide: Your Wedding Morning Tips

As your Glasgow wedding photographer, I’ve witnessed the magic and the mayhem of many wedding mornings. It’s a time filled with excitement, laughter, and sometimes a touch of chaos. But fear not, I’m here with insider wedding morning tips to ensure your morning preparations are as smooth and joyful as the rest of your day.

glasgow wedding photographer getting ready prep

an alternative guide for non-binary & mixed wedding parties can be found further down the page.

Wedding Morning Tips for the Brides: Organize, Prioritize, and Enjoy

  1. Allocate Ample Time: My first wedding morning tip, with a bevy of bridesmaids, time management is crucial. Set clear timings for everyone and remember, as the bride, you’re the priority. Late preparations can often be a result of too many bridesmaids not being ready on time.
  2. Maid of Honour – Your Morning Anchor: Assign your maid of honour the role of your personal assistant. Apart from getting ready themselves, they should be on standby to cater to your needs – be it fetching snacks, topping up your drink, or liaising with your wedding photographer about the accessories, flowers, and dress photos.
  3. Pro Tip for a Picture-Perfect Exit: Remove your bouquets from water and place them on towels to dry 20-30 minutes before departure. This little trick prevents any water stains on your stunning dresses.
  4. Travel Time Consideration: If your getting-ready venue is a distance from the ceremony, plan accordingly. Your photographer should have ample time to capture your final touches and the magical ‘dress reveal’ before heading to the ceremony venue ahead of you to set up.

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Groom Prep: A Dash of Detail, A Sprinkle of Calm. Wedding day tips.

  1. Leave Some Last-Minute Details: Grooms, don’t rush to get completely ready before your photographer arrives. Leaving tasks like putting on cufflinks or ties for the camera adds a charming touch to your wedding gallery.
  2. Venue Prep Can Be a Win-Win: Since grooms usually arrive at the venue earlier, doing some last-minute preparations there can alleviate rush, keeping you relaxed and ready.
  3. Boutonniere 101: Have a groomsman master the art of attaching boutonnieres. It’s both practical and avoids any pre-ceremony fluster.
  4. Ring and Paperwork Check: Ensure the rings and any necessary paperwork for the ceremony are secure and with the right person.
  5. Ease Into the Ceremony: Aim to have guests seated 5-10 minutes before the start, allowing a smooth transition for the bridal party’s entrance.
  6. Photography Briefing: If you’re new to wedding prep photography, familiarise yourself with what it entails. Understanding the photographer’s candid and detail-focused style beforehand can ease any nerves.
glasgow wedding photographer getting ready prep
glasgow wedding photographer getting ready guide wedding day tips

Glasgow Wedding Photographer’s Guide: Perfecting Your Wedding Morning for All Couples

As a Glasgow wedding photographer, I have the joy of capturing the diverse and beautiful beginnings of many wedding days. Whether you’re a same-sex couple or identify as non-binary, your wedding morning is a blend of excitement, emotion, and anticipation. Here are some inclusive tips to ensure your morning preparations are as smooth and memorable as the rest of your special day.

For All Couples: Organize, Prioritize, and Enjoy

  1. Time Management for Everyone: If you’re celebrating with a large wedding party, setting clear timings is essential. No matter who’s in your party, ensure they know when they need to be ready. The focus should be on you and your partner as the couple of the hour.
  2. Designate a Support Person: Choose someone from your party (be it a best person, man of honor, or designated friend) to be your go-to person. Their role? To check on your needs, coordinate with the wedding photographer for those pre-ceremony shots, and ensure everything runs smoothly.
  3. Pro Tip for Elegant Exits: Take your bouquets or any floral arrangements out of water well before leaving to avoid any drips on outfits. This is a small but crucial detail that can make a big difference.
  4. Consider the Journey to the Ceremony: If your prep location is far from where you’ll exchange vows, factor in enough time for last-minute touch-ups and a relaxed departure. Ensure your photographer has enough time to capture those final moments before they head off to set up at the ceremony venue.
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Tailoring the Morning to Fit Your Style

  1. Last-Minute Detailing: Whether it’s adjusting a tie, cufflinks, or adding final touches to hair and makeup, save some of these moments for when your photographer is present. These candid shots add a personal touch to your wedding album.
  2. Prep at the Venue: For practicality and ease, consider doing some of your final preparations at the ceremony venue. This approach often works well for grooms and can be just as effective for any couple, ensuring no one feels rushed.
  3. Mastering Boutonnieres or Accessories: Have someone in your party skilled in the art of pinning boutonnieres or arranging accessories. It’s a small detail that can save time and add to the calm of the morning.
  4. Essential Items Check: Double-check that all crucial items like rings, vows, or any ceremonial paperwork are secure and with a responsible person.
  5. Familiarize Yourself with the Photography Process: Understanding your photographer’s style and approach to capturing the getting-ready moments can ease any nerves and make the experience more enjoyable.
glasgow wedding photographer getting ready prep

Universal Pro Tips for a Seamless Morning

glasgow wedding photographer getting ready prep
  1. Choose a Convenient Location: Keeping your getting-ready location close to your ceremony venue can alleviate stress and maximize your time for capturing those beautiful moments.
  2. Maintain a Neat Space: A tidy environment not only looks better in photos but also helps in keeping the morning organized and calm.
  3. Have Key Items Ready for Photographs: Items like perfumes, jewellery, shoes, or any special accessories should be set aside for the photographer to ensure they’re captured in your story.

Your wedding morning is the start of a beautiful chapter, and as your Glasgow wedding photographer, I’m here to capture every genuine, joyful, and intimate moment. These tips are designed to help all couples, regardless of gender or orientation, to enjoy a morning that’s as special and unique as their love story.

Pro Wedding Day Tip to Finish: Embracing Togetherness

A growing trend that has been embraced by many couples is the idea of getting ready together before the wedding. This approach can add a beautiful sense of unity and ease to your big day. Sharing those intimate moments of preparation cannot only calm nerves but also provide a unique opportunity to create some truly special memories and photographs. Whether it’s helping each other with the final touches or simply enjoying a quiet moment together, this experience can add an extra layer of connection and love to your wedding morning.

Your wedding morning is the start of a beautiful chapter, and as your Glasgow wedding photographer, I'm here to capture every genuine, joyful, and intimate moment. These tips are designed to help all couples, regardless of gender or orientation, to enjoy a morning that's as special and unique as their love story.

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